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4 Reasons Every Church Should Release Music!

By: Stephen Brewster

Does your team write songs? Can I hear them? Well I can’t if you don’t release them!

Every church should release music.

That doesn’t mean every church will be Elevation Worship, or Hillsong, or Bethel, or Mav City, but God has given your church a voice and music is the soundtrack to that voice.

When you release music four amazing things happen:

1. You share the sound of your church with your community.
2. You give your attendees the ability to connect with your church anywhere and everyday.
3. It gives you an amazing ability to show value to your volunteers. When they can hear and share themselves on Apple Music and Spotify you have just put so much fuel back into their “serve tank”.
4. It is an amazing way to market your local church. You start to become known as the church that releases music and that is an amazing marketing tool.

Maybe you don’t feel ready? That’s ok, it is normal to battle insecurity when you are launching something new creatively. 
Maybe you are scared? Also normal. Fear is part of the creative process. 

Your job is stewardship and stewardship starts by shipping! 
So hit send. Publish it and lets go!

Don’t know where to start? Text me!