Old Church Basement – Elevation Worship + Maverick City
All the resources you need to lead all of the new Elevation Worship + Maverick City songs at your church! Chords, lyrics, audio, videos, stems, and more!Old Church BasementJirehTalking to JesusWait On…
Easter Worship Songs
Welcome to another year that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. We are aware that the past year has been full of ups and downs for everyone. Still here at Essential Worship, we belie…
Songs to Watch in 2021
Every year, we see a plethora of beautiful, new songs for the church. As we see more and more new songs, some songs tend to stand out more than others. Here are just a few songs that we are excited to…
RATTLE! – Zach Williams Giveaway
Win Alclair in-ears, a Fender guitar, and merch from Essential Worship + Zach Williams!We are so excited to partner with Alclair, Fender, and Zach Williams to create an amazing worship leader prize pa…
Top Christmas Worship Songs
2020 has been an interesting year, to say the least. Regardless of any crazy events, time still continues and the Christmas season is approaching faster than we know. Trying to determine your setlist…
Worship From Home
As so many believers, church leaders, and worship teams continue to self-quarantine, we have a unique opportunity to turn our houses into a place of worship.
In the midst of fear and uncertainty, we h…