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Breakthrough: Story


Kory Miller from Red Rocks Worship tells the story behind writing and leading the song “Breakthrough”

I remember driving away from the co-write and waring with the Lord saying, “I will not, I will not get on a stage and sing there will be breakthrough as broken and as messed up and falling apart as I am.” To be honest with you, we wrote that song weeks before we recorded it, so it was really quick. The turnaround was really fast. I remember my life was tanking leading up to this live recording we were having. We went through all the rehearsal week and it was crazy. We get there and I was walking up the steps to do this song on our record and I remember telling the Lord, “You have to show up. You have to do this because I won’t make it through this. I won’t lie my way through this. I can’t do it.” I remember taking just a moment, right before we recorded and I invited the whole congregation into my personal life, which was terrifying. But I was like, “Hey guys, this has been really hard, this year has been really hard.” And I invited them and said, “Hey, I am going to sing this song and I am going to prophesy it over my life. And I don’t feel it yet, man I don’t feel it yet. There hasn’t been breakthrough, but I know there will be. And I know that when You speak, the mountains shake, and I know that when You say things will heal, they will heal.” I invited the church, our church, our family to join in that moment and to prophesy, not only over their lives, but over me, and we were capturing their voices, and we got to prophesy over you as you listen, as you have this song playing in your car, or wherever you’re listening to it. We invited our church to prophesy breakthrough over the global church. And that was the moment. We finished the song and I walked off the stage and I remember that was the moment where the Lord was like, “I will show up, you be healed, you will see deliverance, you will see yourself in a strong position, you will not lose, you will not fail, you not will die today.”


This song holds a really really special place in me, for that reason. And I would invite anybody who listens or sings this song, especially worship leaders, guys, I invite you to prophesy this song over your church and I invite you to sing this song in the worst season of your life. I challenge you to pick this song after a massive fight with your wife, after massive fight with your spouse, after a huge groundbreaking awful news of health, or whatever. I invite you to sing this song in the worst season of your life, and I promise you, God will show up, He will bring breakthrough through you, in your life. I just believe that.