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Fall Afresh

By: The Belonging Co

Bm                             G
Let this be a place where you long to come
D                          A	
As we make a way for your love
Bm                                   G
Let these hands be clean, and this heart be pure
    D                                 A	
Blameless as the bride you’re coming for

 G                                            A
It’s the power of Your presence, that changes us
      Bm                              D
Your glory all around us, and we’re undone
     G                                      Bm  
You open up the heavens, and fall afresh on us

Bm                             G
Let this be a house where You long to stay
 D                             A	
Ever will you meet us face to face
   Bm                                 G
Abandoned here before You, we want nothing else
      D                             A	
Than just to be with You, and You alone

 G           A               Bm
Holy Spirit fill this heart again
 G           A               Bm
Holy Spirit burn like fire within

Chords and lyrics provided by
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Songwriters: Henry Seeley, Kari Jobe, Sarah Kothlow

CCLI#: 7078780

Recommended Key: D

Tempo/BPM: 143