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By: Brooke Ligertwood

[Intro] [x2]

[Verse 1]
Lord You are greatly to be praised
         Ab/Eb   Eb             Bbsus  Bb
And Your faithfulness surrounds You
          Cm     Bb      Eb
As all of Heaven stands amazed
        Ab/Eb      Eb        Bbsus    Bb 
And cre - a - tion bows be - fore You
            Ab  Eb          Bbsus
Lord, we’ll bow before You

[Chorus 1]
Eb                         Ab      Eb
   There’s only one who is worth - y
                        Ab    Eb Bb
Who overcomes, who will nev - er fail
Cm                           Ab     Eb
   Light of the world ever - last - ing
      Ab      Bb
Jesus You are Lord of all


[Verse 2]
             Ab    Bb     Eb
For all Your promises are sure
         Ab      Eb         Bb
And Your Name is our strong tower
           Cm     Bb    Eb
And now salvation is secure
            Ab       Bb
Through the cross forever

[Chorus 2]
Eb                         Ab      Eb
   There’s only one who is worth - y
                            Ab   Eb  Bb
Who conquered death and who rose a - gain
Cm                           Ab     Eb
   Light of the world ever - last - ing
      Ab      Bb      Eb 
Jesus You are Lord of all

[Bridge 1]
       Ab  Eb              Cm   Bb
So let our praise build an al - tar
             Ab  Eb         Cm   Bb
Christ for - e - ver and no o - ther
       Ab   Eb          Cm    Bb       Ab   Eb/G   Bb
Jesus, Your name be the ban - ner over us

Bridge 2
         Ab    Eb           Cm    Bb
Great in mer - cy, great in pow - er
             Ab  Eb         Cm    Bb
Christ for - e - ver what a Sav - ior
       Ab   Eb          Cm    Bb       Ab   Eb/G   
Jesus, Your name be the ban - ner over us

       Bb          Ab   Eb/G   Bb
Be the banner over us

[Chorus 3]
Eb                         Ab      Eb
   There’s only one who is worth - y
                          Ab   Eb  Bb
Who is our king, who will come a - gain
Cm                           Ab     Eb
   Light of the world ever - last - ing
      Ab      Bb      Eb
Jesus You are Lord of all

[Outro] [x2]
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Songwriters: Brooke Ligertwood, Jason Ingram, Scott Ligertwood

CCLI#: 7192506

Recommended Key: Eb

Tempo/BPM: 82