I Surrender All (All I Am)
By: Caleb and Kelsey
Intro: Gm7 | Eb2 | Fsus Bb Bbsus F Gm7 F Bb All to Jesus I surrender, all to Him I freely give Bb F Gm7 F Bb I will ever love and trust Him, in His presence daily live Bb F Gm7 Eb2 F Bb All to Jesus I surrender, humbly at His feet I bow Bb F Gm7 Eb2 F Bb Worldly pleasures all forsaken, take me Jesus take me now (Chorus) Eb F Gm7 Eb2 F Bb All I am, all I have, I give it back to You Eb F D/F# Gm Eb F Bb Every breath, every step, Oh I surrender all Bb Eb F Gm7 Eb F Bb All to Jesus I surrender, make me Savior wholly Thine Bb Eb F Gm7 Eb F Bb Let me feel the Holy Spirit, truly know that Thou art mine (Chorus) Eb F Gm7 Eb2 F Bb All I am, all I have, I give it back to You Eb F D/F# Gm Eb F Bb Every breath, every step, Oh I surrender all Eb2/G Cm7 F Bb I surrender all, I surrender all Bb Gm7 Eb2 Bb/D F Bb All to Thee my blessed Savior, I surrender all (Chorus) Eb F Gm7 Eb2 F Bb All I am, all I have, I give it back to You Eb F D/F# Gm Eb F Bb Every breath, every step, Oh I surrender all
Songwriters: Judson Wheeler Van DeVenter, Winfield Scott Weeden, Caleb Grimm, Rob Hawkins
CCLI#: -
Recommended Key: -
Tempo/BPM: -
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