Have It All
By: Jason Ingram, Bethel Music
CHORUS G C/G G You can have it all, Lord Em Every part of my world C Em Take this life and breathe on Am G This heart that is now Yours VERSE Em C G Em C G Oh the joy I've found, Surrendering my crowns Am G D Am G D At the feet of the King, Who surrendered everything Em C G Em C G Oh the peace that comes, When I'm broken and undone Am G D Am G D By Your unfailing grace I can lift my voice and say BRIDGE C There is no greater call Em Than giving You my all G D I lay it all down, I lay it all down C There is no greater love Em No higher name above G D I lay it all down, I lay it all down Chords and Lyrics provided by EssentialWorship.com
Songwriters: Bobby Strand, Brian Johnson, Joel Taylor, Lindsey Strand, Mia Fieldes
CCLI#: 7054173
Recommended Key: G
Tempo/BPM: 73
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