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Still Waters (Psalm 23)

By: Leanna Crawford

[VERSE 1] 
   Great Aunt Maureen said at a hundred and three
      F#m               D2                 A
Write scripture on your heart for when you need it
'Cause    anxiety hates Psalm twenty-three
        F#m              D2                 A
So just say it to your - self 'til you be - lieve it
        Esus             F#m7            D2
And I'm feeling like I'm needing it right   now

O The Lord is my shepherd I shall not want
         A                       E
He leads me by still waters 'til my fears are gone
Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death
    A                       E
O I know You are with me my Father my friend
     D2           E          F#m7      E/G#      A
Your goodness and mercy will follow me all of my days
       D2            E          A(D)
I know by Your still waters I'm safe

  Lord I believe You can set me at ease
          F#m             D2              A
Turn this broken piece of me to peace and quiet
               Esus  F#m7        D2
I know there's pow - er  in Your word
    Esus                 F#m7         D2
So  I'll say it over and over 'til my soul’s reminded


F#m7                  E                          A/C#
     Still waters run through any valley I could    find
                D2           E
I’m laying fear down here at Heaven’s river side
F#m7                    E                        A/C#
     Your word has been true in every season of    my life
I be - lieve yes I believe that

F#m7                  E                          A/C#
     Still waters run through any valley I could    find
                D2           E
I’m laying fear down here at Heaven’s river side
F#m7                    E                        A/C#
     Your word has been true in every season of    my life
       D2               E
I be - lieve yes I be - lieve

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Songwriters: Jonathan Gamble, Justin Richards, Leanna Crawford

CCLI#: 7199601

Recommended Key: A

Tempo/BPM: 78