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Christ Is Risen

By: Phil Wickham

 G#m		    F#
Amazing grace, how sweet the sound
     E		         B
that saved a wretch like me
      G#m		F#
For I once was lost but now I’m found
      E		     B
Was blind but now I see
     G#m  F#	       E	       B	
Hallelujah - Christ is risen from the grave
     G#m  F#	       E	       B	
Hallelujah - Christ is risen from the grave

     G#m	   F#
The prodigal is welcomed home
     E		  B
the sinner now a saint
	G#m		  F#
For the God who died came back to life 
    E		     B
And everything has changed 
     G#m   F#	       E	       B	
Hallelujah - Christ is risen from the grave
     G#m   F#	       E	       B	
Hallelujah - Christ is risen from the grave

E			  F#
 O death, where is your sting?
  B/D#		      E
O fear where is Your power?
	            B	       F#
The mighty King of Kings has disarmed You
E		  F#	  B/D#		  E
 Delivered and redeemed, eternal life is ours
O praise His name forever

     G#m   F#	       E	       B	
Hallelujah - Christ is risen from the grave
     G#m   F#	       E	       B	
Hallelujah - Christ is risen from the grave
    G#m		     F#		  E		   B
And all throughout eternity - our song will be the same
     G#m   F#	       E	       B	
Hallelujah - Christ is risen from the grave

   G#m		   F#
And on the day You call me in 
     E		      B
To Heaven’s sweet embrace
     G#m		  F#
I’ll see Your scars, Your open arms
     E		    B
The beauty of Your face
        G#m		    F#
Through tears of joy, I’ll lift my voice
   E		 B
In everlasting praise
     G#m   F#	       E		B	
Hallelujah - Christ is risen from the grave

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Songwriters: Phil Wickham, Brian Johnson, Matt Brock

CCLI#: 7107548

Recommended Key: B

Tempo/BPM: 70