I Trust Jesus
By: Matthew West
[INTRO] Csus C / / | Am G / / | F C | Am G [VERSE 1] C Who else could stand beside me in the fire Am Who else could part the waters at my feet Gsus Who else could move the mountains I am facing F G Who else already holds my victory [CHORUS] Csus C Am G I trust Je - sus, I trust Je - sus F C In the storm, in the fight Am G All my days, all my life Csus C Am G I trust Je - sus, always Je - sus F C Come what will, come what may Am G Still my heart will choose to say Csus C I trust Je - sus [VERSE 2] C Who else would pay the price for my redemption Am Who else would bear a cross that’s meant for me Gsus Who else laid down their life for my salvation F G Who else has conquered death and holds the key [CHORUS] [BRIDGE 1] C Csus My hope is built on nothing less C Gsus Than Jesus’ blood and righteousness Am F I dare not trust the sweetest frame C Gsus C I trust in Jesus’ name [BRIDGE 2] C F My hope is built on nothing less C/E G Than Jesus’ blood and righteousness Am F I dare not trust the sweetest frame C Gsus C I trust in Jesus’ name [CHORUS] [TAG] F C Come what will, come what may Am G Still my heart will choose to say Csus C I trust Je - sus [ENDING] C Csus My hope is built on nothing less C Gsus Than Jesus’ blood and righteousness Am F I dare not trust the sweetest frame C Gsus C I trust in Jesus’ name
Songwriters: Jason Ingram, Matthew West
CCLI#: -
Recommended Key: C
Tempo/BPM: 73
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