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God of Forever

You are the very first
You are the last
God of the days ahead
God of the past
Before beginning beyond the end
You hold eternity
In the palm of your hand

God of Forever 
You are Forever
Your love forever 
Is what You made us for
God of Forever 
You are Forever
You have saved us 
To be forever yours  (We are forever yours)

You told the hands of time when they could start
You’ve placed eternity in every heart
To You a thousand years is just a day
But You stepped into time
To take our sin away

From everlasting 
to everlasting
We will forever sing 
You are God
From everlasting 
to everlasting
We will forever sing 
To You our God

And when that great day has finally come
When all your glory becomes the sun
You’ll wipe away the tears from every eye
And songs of praise to You 
Will be our only cry

Chords and lyrics provided by EssentialWorship.com
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Songwriters: Brent Milligan, Steven Curtis Chapman

CCLI#: -

Recommended Key: Db

Tempo/BPM: 89

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