A Billion Stars
By: One Sonic Society
VERSE Eb Bb/D God above it all Eb F In You I will believe Eb Bb/D F Even when my eyes cannot see VERSE Eb Bb/D God above it all Eb F My life is in Your hands Eb Bb/D F What You began in me, You will complete CHORUS Eb F Bb Bb/D You light up the night, With a billion stars Eb F Bb Bb/D Surely You’ll light my way, When the road gets dark Eb F Bb Bb/D I will walk by faith and not by sight Eb F (Eb Bb/D F) This I know, God is faithful VERSE Eb Bb/D God who holds it all Eb F You know my deepest need Eb Bb/D F So silence every fear, With perfect peace BRIDGE Eb Bb/D F When the darkness is great, You are greater Eb Bb/D F You will never let go, You will remain Eb Bb/D F Every battle I face, You are stronger Eb Bb/D F You alone are my hope, You’ll make a way TAG Eb F Bb This I know, God is faithful Eb F Bb This I know, God is faithful Chords and lyrics provided by EssentialWorship.com
Songwriters: Jason Ingram, Paul Mabury, Jess Cates, Reuben Morgan, Chris Tomlin
CCLI#: -
Recommended Key: Bb
Tempo/BPM: 116
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