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Heaven Help Me

By: Zach Williams

Chords / Lyrics
Cm7 / / / | Ab2 / / / | Eb / / / | Bbsus / / /

Cm7                            Ab2
   When I can't find the words    and I can barely breathe 
Eb                        Bbsus
   I'm falling on my knees,    heaven help me, heaven help me 
Cm7                           Ab2
   When I can't feel you near    and I can't hear You speak 
Eb                        Bbsus
   I'm falling on my knees,    heaven help me, Heaven help me 

Ab         Eb/G Bb
   Help me,        help me 
     Cm7                          Eb
Cause I can't walk this road alone 
And I can't do this on my own 
Ab         Eb/G Bb
   Tell me,        tell me 
     Cm7                        Eb
Cause I just need to hear You say 
That everything will be okay 

[VERSE 2] 
Cm7                         Ab2
    When I don't understand,    when I don't I think I can 
Eb                         Bbsus
    I know You have a plan,     Heaven help me, Heaven help me 

Ab                    Eb/G  Bb
   Help me believe it,        when I can't see it 
Cm7                   Eb  Bb
   Help me to know it,        when I can't hold it
Ab                    Eb/G  Bb
   Help me believe it,        when I can't see it 
Cm7/Eb              Eb  Bb                    N.C.
   Help me know it,         when I can't hold it


     Ab                          Eb/G
Cause I just need to hear You say 
That everything will be okay 

Cm7                            Ab2
   When I can't find the words    and I can barely breathe 
Eb                        Bbsus                               Ab
   I'm falling on my knees,    heaven help me, heaven help me
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Songwriters: Hank Bentley Mia Fieldes Zach Williams

CCLI#: 7126400

Recommended Key: Eb

Tempo/BPM: 72