Come and Move
By: All Nations Music
[INTRO] A / / / | / / / / | / / / / | / / / / A / / / | / / / / | D / / / | / / / / [VERSE 1] F#m D A F#m D A With no re - sis - tance, Father You are wel - comed F#m D A F#m D A We say Yes Lord F#m D A F#m D A Our songs are ris - ing in Your di - rec - tion F#m D A F#m We say Yes Lord [PRE CHORUS] E D/F# We will wait on You, we will wait on You [CHORUS] D A Come and move, we say yes to You D A E/G# Come and move, we say yes to You D A/C# Come and move, we say yes to You D Bm A Come and move, we say yes to You [VERSE 2] F#m D A F#m D A Your face our fo - cus, Your will we're want - ing F#m D A F#m D A We say Yes Lord F#m D A F#m D A As glo - ry in - vades us, we’re changed for - ev - er F#m D A F#m D A We say Yes Lord F#m D A F#m D A As glo - ry in - vades us, we’re changed for - ev - er F#m D A F#m We say Yes Lord [PRE CHORUS] [CHORUS] [TURN] [x2] A / / Bm | F#m / D / | A / / Bm | F#m / D / [BRIDGE 1] [x2] A Exceedingly, abundantly Above all that we ask or think [BRIDGE 2] [x2] A Bm Exceedingly, abundantly F#m D Above all that we ask or think [BRIDGE 3] [x2] A Bm Exceedingly, abundantly F#m D Above all that we ask or think A/E Bm Exceedingly, abundantly F#m D Above all that we ask or think [CHORUS] [x2] [END] A
Songwriters: Alton Eugene, Chandler Moore, Dante Bowe, Omari Walthour
CCLI#: 7142596
Recommended Key: A
Tempo/BPM: 67
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