Look Upon the Lord
By: Kari Jobe
VERSE Em Look upon the Lord D Stand in awe of His beauty Em Look upon the Lord D Seated high, He is Holy PRECHORUS Am Em G D Let the glory of our God from Heaven come down Am Em G D Let the house of the Lord be filled with the cloud CHORUS G D You are good and Your mercy will endure Em D You are good and forever we are Yours Am Em D Hallelujah, Hallelujah VERSE Em Listen for the Lord D Hear the voice of His spirit Em Call upon His name D He is near, He is with us BRIDGE Em C G D Holy, Holy Em C G D With one voice Heaven and Earth are singing Em C G D Holy, Holy Em C G D Lord God Almighty Chords and Lyrics provided by EssentialWorship.com
Songwriters: Jason Ingram, Kari Jobe, Paul Baloche
CCLI#: 6140375
Recommended Key: G
Tempo/BPM: 70
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