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Your Nature

By: Kari Jobe

Ab / / / | Db/Ab Ab Bbm/Ab Ab |  Ab / / / | Db/Ab Ab Bbm/Ab Ab
          Ab         Db/Ab  Ab Bbm/Ab Ab
You bring life to the bar - ren pla - ces
Fm           Db/F   Fm7 Bbm/F  Fm
Light to the dark - est  spa - ces
Db            Ebsus  
God, it's Your na - ture
          Ab        Db/Ab Ab   Bbm/Ab Ab
You bring joy to the bro - ken  heart - ed
Fm          Db/F  Fm7   Bbm/F  Fm
Hope to the ones who've lost       it
Db            Ebsus  Eb 
God, it's Your na - ture

Db                             Ab            Eb
  There is no desert that Your streams can't run to
Db                             Ab         Eb
  There are no ruins that Your love won't make new
Db                      Fm7             Eb
  You tell the wasteland   that it will bloom again
Db                Ebsus  Eb
  'Cause it's Your na - ture
Db                                Ab        Eb
  You will restore the years that shame has stolen
Db                           Ab       Eb
  You keep the promises that You have spoken
Db                     Fm7        Eb
  I know this wasteland   will be whole again
Db                Ebsus  Eb
  'Cause it's Your na - ture
Ab / / / | / / / /

          Ab          Db/Ab Ab  Bbm/Ab Ab
You bring peace to the war  in - side  us
Fm            Db/F Fm7 Bbm/F  Fm
Speak and all fear is   si - lenced
Db            Ebsus  Eb
God, it's Your na - ture
          Ab        Db/Ab  Ab  Bbm/Ab  Ab
You bring joy to the bro - ken heart - ed
Fm          Db/F  Fm7   Bbm/F  Fm
Hope to the ones who've lost       it
Db            Ebsus  Eb 
God, it's Your na - ture


[BRIDGE] [x2]
Db                         Fm7           Eb
   Sing out o barren woman    sing out o broken man
Db                                  Ab              Eb
   Stretch out your hands believing    this is your promise land
Db                            Fm7             Eb
   Break out of disappointment   break out of hopelessness
Db                                  Ab              Eb
   Stretch out your hands believing    this is your promise land

Db / / / | Fm7 / Eb / | Db / / / | Ab / Eb /

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Songwriters: Charles Starling, Hank Bentley, Jacob Sooter, Kari Jobe

CCLI#: 7160681

Recommended Key: Ab

Tempo/BPM: 69