Carry Your Name
By: Passion Music
VERSE 1 Bb F How merciful the cross Bb F How powerful the blood Bb C F/A How beautiful Your arms Dm Open for us C Open for us CHORUS 1 Bb Dm No greater love, God's only Son F C Jesus, Jesus, Bb Dm No other name, Mighty to save F C Jesus, Jesus VERSE 2 Bb F By Your wounds we are healed Bb F And You have conquered the grave Bb C F/A And in Your rising we will rise Dm C To carry Your name above every name CHORUS 2 F I will carry Your name, Carry Your name Dm C Jesus, Your name forever F For all of my days, In all of my ways Dm C Jesus, Your name forever Chords and lyrics provided by
Songwriters: Chris Tomlin, Christy Nockels, Jason Ingram, Nathan Nockels
CCLI#: 5925728
Recommended Key: F
Tempo/BPM: 70