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Over All I Know

By: Vertical Worship

Verse 1 
          Ab		     Cm	             Bb
You tell mountains they must fall and they fall
         Ab	       Cm	          Bb
You tell oceans to be still and they're calm
	  Ab		   Cm	            Bb
You tell sickness it must leave and it's gone
      Ab .           Cm		      Bb
In my weakness God I know You are strong

 You are the one above it all
   Cm			    Bb
I stand in awe - You're the God over all I know
  No higher Name - no greater throne
     Cm	                     Bb
You stand alone - You're the God over all I know

Verse 2
           Ab	           Cm		      Bb
You tell broken things be healed and they're whole
	   Ab	         Cm	        Bb
You tell fear it has no place it must go
          Ab		  Cm		     Bb
You tell death it has no chance, it won't win
        Ab	        Cm		   Bb
And if You are for me, God what can come against? 

Cm		 Ab
  I believe it - I have seen it
    Eb	       Bb
My God is over all

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Songwriters: Andi Rozier, Jess Cates, Jason Ingram

CCLI#: -

Recommended Key: Eb

Tempo/BPM: 87