Grace On Top of Grace
By: Fellowship Creative
VERSE G Lord how You’ve loved me, I don’t deserve Em C G Grace on top of grace G More than I’ve asked for, more than I’m worth Em C G Grace on top of grace PRE-CHORUS G C/G G How sweet the sound, once lost, now found G Heaven came down, and grace rescued me CHORUS C G D Hallelujah I am free Em C From my sin and penalty C G D At the cross You took my place Em C G With Your grace on top of grace VERSE G Lord how You’ve loved me, I don’t deserve Em C G Grace on top of grace G More than I’ve asked for, more than I’m worth Em C G Grace on top of grace INTERLUDE Em D/F# G C G Ohhhhhhohhhhhohhhhh Ohhhhhohhhhhh Ohhhhhohhhhhh Em D/F# G C D Ohhhhhhohhhhhohhhhh Ohhhhhohhhhhh Ohhhhhohhhhhh BRIDGE Em G Am G How sweet the sound, once lost, now found Em G C D Heaven came down, and grace rescued me Chords and Lyrics by
Songwriters: Fellowship Church, Jonathan Smith
CCLI#: 7040862
Recommended Key: G
Tempo/BPM: 122
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