We Are
By: Kari Jobe
VERSE 1 Bb F C Every secret, every shame Bb F C Every fear, every pain Bb F Live inside the dark Dm C But that's not who we are Bb F C We are children of the day PRECHORUS Dm So wake up, sleeper, lift your head C/E We were meant for more than this F/A Fight the shadows, conquer death Bb Make the most of the time we have left CHORUS F We are the light of the world Dm Bb We are the city on a hill F We are the light of the world Dm Bb We gotta, we gotta, we gotta let the light shine F We are the light of the world Dm Bb We are the city on a hill F We are the light of the world Dm Bb F We gotta, we gotta, we gotta let the light shine, Dm Bb Let the light shine, let the light shine VERSE 2 Bb F/A C We are called to spread the news Bb F/A C To tell the world the simple truth Bb F/A C Jesus came to save, there's freedom in His name Bb F/A C So let His love break through BRIDGE Bb F C We are the light, We are the light, We are the light Dm So let your light shine brighter Bb F We are the light, We are the light, C We are the light, Jesus Bb F You are the light, You are the light, C You are the light, Dm We will lift you high Bb F C Shine, shine, shine OUTRO F We gotta shine, We gotta shine Dm Bb We gotta shine, We gotta shine Chords and lyrics provided by EssentialWorship.com
Songwriters: Chuck Butler, Ed Cash, Hillary McBride, James Tealy
CCLI#: 6129877
Recommended Key: F
Tempo/BPM: 75
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