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Meet Me There

By: Lydia Laird

F#m / D / | A / / / 

        F#m            D                     A
When it feels like I’m slipping through your fingers 
         F#m          D                 A
When the weight of my sin’s too much to bear 
         F#m   D                 A        E/G#    D
When the enemy whispers that I’m still who I once was 
      A/E    E       A
Sweet Jesus, meet me there 

               D                        A
Meet me in the struggle, meet me in the fight 
               D                     Esus  E
Meet me in the trouble of my darkest night
                    D                 F#m
Walking through the valley of shadows everywhere
      D                Esus    A
Sweet Jesus, would You meet me there

         F#m         D             A
When I’m sure I’m forgotten and forsaken 
       F#m         D             A
When I find myself all alone and scared 
         F#m          D         A         E/G#   D
When the chains of anxiety have brought me to my knees
      D      Esus    A
Sweet Jesus, meet me there 

A/C#           D                        A
Meet me in the struggle, meet me in the fight 
               D                     Esus  E
Meet me in the trouble of my darkest night
A/C#                D                 F#m
Walking through the valley of shadows everywhere
      D                E       Asus  A
Sweet Jesus, would You meet me there

     E                                     F#m
Even when it seems all hope is gone please meet me there 
         E                                         F#m
When the arrows fly and the nights are long please meet me there 
   D                A
My soul will not be downcast 
  D                 B/D#            E
I know You’ve never once ignored my prayer

               D                        A
Meet me in the struggle, meet me in the fight 
               D                     Esus  E
Meet me in the trouble of my darkest night
A/C#                D                 F#m  B/D#
Walking through the valley of shadows everywhere
      D                E       F#m   B/D#
Sweet Jesus, would You meet me there

      D                E       A
Sweet Jesus, would You meet me there

Chord chart and lyrics provided by
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Songwriters: Lydia Laird, Michael Farren

CCLI#: -

Recommended Key: A

Tempo/BPM: 65