We Believe
By: Steven Curtis Chapman
VERSE 1 G The heavens declare your glory D/G The skies sing the work of your hands C G Day after day they call out and say believe G The oceans are telling your story D/G Over and over again C G Wave after wave they call out and say believe D Em Oh what a revelation D Em You’ve lifted our heads and opened our eyes D G/B C And this is our declaration CHORUS G We believe we believe… You are God Em We believe we believe… You are good D C You have conquered the grave, Taken our sin away G We believe we believe… every Word Em You have breathed we believe… we are yours D C And with each breath You give us, We will proclaim G Em C We believe we believe G Em C We believe we believe VERSE 2 G Now as we stand before You D/G We want to give You more than a song C G We want lives that prove,That we really do believe D Em You’ve given us the Revelation D Em Now take your church and turn us into D G/B C A living declaration BRIDGE C G/B And if our faith is weak, God help our unbelief Em D You are faithful, God you are faithful C G/B And if our faith is weak, God help our unbelief Em D You have been faithful, You will be faithful G You say come… so here we are C Lifting up our hands and our hearts Em D G To worship You and tell You we believe Chords and lyrics provided by EssentialWorship.com
Songwriters: Steven Curtis Chapman
CCLI#: 7052890
Recommended Key: G
Tempo/BPM: 118
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